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Policy Engineering: the concept, theory and practical methods

The Policy Engineering is a new word and a new concept, which is proposed by Dr. Hiroshi Ueno, Research Advisor of UCRCA. The Policy Engineering is a new tool necessary and useful for better policy making in a democracy. This brief introduction explains its concept, theory, and practical methods/tools for making better policy. UCRCA will engage in and present it as one of our long term research mission.

Policy Engineering

The Policy Engineering is currently justified by the two documents that are written in Japanese: (a) ?Seisakukougakuno Wakugumi toshiteno Pararerugata Seisaku Purosesu,? (Parallel Policy Process as a Framework for Policy Engineering) (2013)  ; and (b) ?Seisaku Kogaku Shiron (a treatise on policy engineering),? unpublished mimeo by Hiroshi Ueno . The former is an essence of a theoretical framework to be used for the policy engineering, which is proposed, justified and explained fully by the latter. The former will soon be posted on this homepage of UCRCA. The latter will gradually be uploaded to the same one by one as it finalized.

The brief English introduction below originally was ?English Abstract? of the former and is adopted for this UCRCA with an addition of Diagram 1.  In this brief English introduction, ?this/the paper? stands for the former document, and you should re-interpret ?policy studies? stand for policy engineering.

Policy Engineering: Brief Introduction

This paper analyzes all available policy processes in the fields of political science, policy sciences, policy evaluation, and economic policy analysis, in order to create an integrated framework for policy studies. As a result of the analyses, the paper proposes a process called Parallel Policy Process (PP Process hereinafter), which is illustrated in Table 1 below. 

As shown on Diagram 1, PP Process consists of five policy stages and three policy phases. The five stages are (A) problem identification, (B) policy formulation, (C) policy experimentation, (D) policy implementation, and (E) policy completion stages. The three phases are (1) policy activity itself, (2) policy analysis/ evaluation, and (3) policy decision phases. Integrating these stages and phases, the PP Process proposes a process within which any policy goes through 15 steps from its start to end: (A1) problem identification, (A2) problem analysis, (A3) determination of the problem to be solved and the objective to be achieved, (B1) creation of policy alternatives, (B2) ex-ante analyses of policy alternatives, (B3) selection of one policy to be adopted, (C1) experimentation of the selected policy, (C2) evaluation of the results of the experimentation and policy modification, (C3) finalization of the policy, (D1) implementation of the policy, (D2) annual monitoring and evaluation of the implementation, (D3) decision on any modification and improvement of the implementation and the policy itself, (E1) completion of the policy, (E2) ex-post evaluation of the policy performance, and (E3) decision making on whether the policy be continued, modified or terminated.   PP Process provides a logical framework for any policy studies and is also usable for actual creation, decision, implementation, and evaluation of policy itself.

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Updated date: 2013/12/13 -10:37 PM